Khatuna Chapichadze, PhD |  | political scientist, professor of the Georgian Technical University in Tbilisi. visiting professor of universities form Poland, Czech Republic and the U.S., a pundit in economics, geopolitics, international relations, security policy, Caucasian issues |
Maj. Gen. (r) Dan-Florin Grecu, PhD |  | military analyst, academic teacher; he belonged to the commanding cadre of the Romanian army, he participated in stabilization missions, among others, in Iraq and Afghanistan, a specialist in the sphere of defence planning, stabilization missions, geopolitics |
Col. (r) Pascu Furnica, PhD |  | military analyst, academic teacher, expert in the programme NATO DEEP in countries of Asia and Eastern Europe, a pundit in the area of crisis management, civil-military liaison as well as international military relations |
Dariusz Loranty, MA |  | retired police officer, writer, publicist, TV commentator, academic teacher, expert of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, politician, leading Polish police negotiator, antiterrorist, author of the bestseller “Confession of the Cup”, chief of CIRSA’s Expert Team; e-mail: |
Vakhtang Maisaia, PhD |  | political scientist, professor of the Caucasus International University, NATO expert, former advisor of the Georgian President, journalist, media commentator, specialist in the sphere of geopolitics, geostrategy, international security system |
Adam Pązik, PhD |  | lawyer, academic teacher; lecturer in the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, associate professor in the College of Business and Entrepreneurship in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, he runs his own lawyer’s office in Cracow, specialist in the area of civil law as well as in intellectual property law |
Lt. Gen. (r) Dan Plavitu, MA |  | military analyst, diplomat, former member of the strict leadership of the Romanian military intelligence, Romanian military attaché in France and Algeria; expert in the field of military intelligence and geopolitics |
Vadim Volovoj, PhD |  | political scientist, scholar in security studies, docent in the Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius, senior expert in the Centre for Geopolitical Studies (Lithuania), specialist in the domain of geopolitics, international relations, security policy, Russian and Lithuanian politics |
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Środkowoeuropejski Instytut Badań i Analiz Strategicznych